Compliance dependency modelling

Statutory and regulatory compliance isn’t optional – there may be a clue in the name! So I do find it surprising how passive many of the compliance management systems often are, in many cases managed using just spreadsheets – and while spreadsheets can do some pretty clever things, they’re not really designed for dependency modelling.

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Two recent news stories caught my eye – both about banking and, in different ways, about compliance. First was the hacking of Associated Press’s Twitter account and the resulting tweet about an attack on the White House which injured Barack Obama.

critical eletrical dashboard

Announcing Release 5 of Riskenomics

Release 5 is really all about enhancing the performance and scalability of Riskenomics and ensuring we stay up-to-date with the latest browser technology and allowing greater intersystem connectivity between Riskenomics and other software applications to enhance your user experience.